Why Can’t You Find a Job Common Pitfalls and Solutions

Why Can't You Find a Job Common Pitfalls and Solutions
Why Can’t You Find a Job Common Pitfalls and Solutions


Unrealistic Expectations

**Overestimating Your Value: It’s important to have confidence in your abilities, but overestimating your worth can lead to unrealistic expectations. Research, research, research on industry standards, and salary ranges in order to have realistic goals.

**Underestimating the Competition: But keep in mind that you’re not the only one who’s trying to get a job. So be prepared for some competition and be willing to barter.

Limited Networking

**Relying Solely on Online Applications: Online job boards are cool but 50% of the time its nice to have some sort of personal contact. Need to go to industry mixers and join professional organizations and network through your network for referals.

**Not Following Up: Always send a thank-you note or e-mail after submitting an application or going to an interview. Keep you in their thoughts, make them know you care.

Weak Resume and Cover Letter

**Lack of Keywords: Be sure that your resume and cover letter contain the key words in the job description. Then your resume will be able to make it through the applicant tracking systems (ATS).

**Generic Templates: Avoid using generic templates that don’t showcase your unique qualifications. Tailor a document to showcase your abilities and background.

Poor Interview Skills

**Lack of Preparation: ** Research the company, the role, and the interviewer. And practice answering those typical interview questions and come up with good questions to ask.

**Negative Body Language: And another thing, your body language, your nonverbal communication. Maintain eye contact, smile, and sit up straight.

Inadequate Follow-Up

**Not Expressing Interest: After the interview, send a follow-up email reiterating your interest in the position and highlighting any relevant points discussed.

**Not Addressing Concerns: And if you didn’t get the job, be sure to ask for feedback. So you’ll be able to better search next time when you apply for something.

Career Misalignment

**Unclear Goals: Take time to reflect on your career goals and values. Ugh, so is there anything that you are doing that you enjoy and are good at?

**Lack of Skill Development: *And even if you can’t find a job in your major, at least get some other kind of certifications/skills so you can get a damn job easier.

Geographic Limitations

**Overlooking Remote Opportunities: Many jobs are done at home in this electronic world. Expand your search to include remote positions.

**Reluctance to Relocate: (If willing to move, look up cities with jobs available in your major).

But you can do alot to better your chances of acquiring a job that is suited for you and your abilities and aspirations by not falling in to those fallacies. And another thing, being persistent and having a good attitude will pay off when it comes to finding a job.


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